What is liposuction?
Answer: Liposuction is one
of the most popular cosmetic procedures in the world. It was popularized
in the early 80’s in France and Italy and has been modified and made
safer with the advance of the tumescent and ultrasonic techniques. It
involves the removal of large volumes of subcutaneous fat through very
tiny incisions carefully hidden in the skin folds.
What is liposculpture?
Answer: It is a refinement of the liposuction technique whereby
the contour of a particular area of the body can be reshaped much like
sculpture work to produce a smaller version of the area treated, maintaining
the smooth contour of the skin and the subcutaneous tissue.
Is it safe?
Answer: Yes. Over
1 million liposuction procedures are undertaken worldwide every year
and the number of complications are extremely rare. The procedure can
be performed either under local anesthesia and sedation or under general
anesthesia. Patients usually recover and return for a check up in three
to four days. In the meantime, they can rest at home. Some are even
able to return to work in two to three days.
Does the procedure work?
The operation is relatively simple and is designed to remove
unwanted and unsightly collections of fat in various areas of the body.
There is the some degree of swelling and bruising the first few days,
and the results become visible in a few weeks. The majority of the people
having the procedure are quite pleased and satisfied.
Do I loose weight after the procedure?
Answer: In general,
there is no weight loss. There
is however, a redistribution
of the fat. Numerous patients have maintained their weight but wore
smaller size clothing following the surgery. Voluntary
weight management and control is recommended.
Does the fat come back?
Answer: No. There is usually
a general reshaping of the body following this procedure and I have
not noted any fat coming to the same area from which it has been suctioned.
How long does the bruising last?
Answer: In general,
this depends on each individual and his or her tendency to bruise.
Usually the bruising is very minimal and within two weeks, the
majority of the faint yellowish bruising disappears.
When do I resume work outs?
Answer: I recommend
waiting 4 - 6 weeks before resuming full workouts. Gentle exercises
such as walking, use of the treadmill and stair master can be resumed
as early as three weeks after the surgery and in some cases, as soon
as the bruising disappears.
What about sexual activity?
Answer: Much like any type
of physical activity, I recommend waiting about three weeks prior to
resuming sexual activity.
How long do I wear the elastic girdle (bandages)?
In general, I recommend wearing the bandage for a period of one
week. The majority of my patients prefer to keep it on for another week
or two after that. If the girdle becomes too restricting I recommend
switching to a spandex type of outfit or girdle and occasionally I recommend
the use of bicycle shorts of the same material.
What is autologous fat transplantation?
Answer: This is a method of
harvesting fat from one portion of the body and using
it to augment, fill in or recontour other areas of the body including
the face. The fat is generally harvested using a small syringe under
local anesthesia from one part of the body, generally the abdomen or
the thighs. It can then be used to fill in fine wrinkles, indentations,
areas of spontaneous fat loss due to aging or other reasons. It has
specific applications for lip augmentation, cheek augmentation of the
smile lines, as well as augmentation of the indentations below the corners
of the mouth. Autologous fat transplantation can be performed in conjunction
with face lifts as well as laser resurfacing of the face.
How much does it cost?
Answer: Liposuction
starts at approximately $4000.00 with an additional $500.00 to $1000.00
per additional areas. We always recommend a consultation to provide
you with an exact quote for your particular needs. Autologous fat transplants
costs vary upon area and volume used.